We will remember them

We will remember them

Dear New Milton Resident


On Wednesday 23 August 2023 we will remember the New Milton residents who lost their lives when enemy bombs fell on our town during World War II.


There will be a short service of remembrance starting at 11 am that morning at the Memorial Clock on Station Road when we will assemble for 1-minute silence, a prayer, and acknowledgement of the names of those killed.


The New Milton Town Mayor, Cllr David Hawkins, respectfully requests your attendance at the Memorial Clock in memory of those New Milton Citizens.


Attached for your information are the dates of the bombings and names of the residents who died.


Yours faithfully

Graham Flexman

Town Clerk


Tel:         01425 619120

Email:     info@newmiltontowncouncil.gov.uk

Website: www.newmiltontowncouncil.gov.uk

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