Ballard Lake Environmental Improvements

Ballard Lake Environmental Improvements

Environmental Improvement works will be starting at Ballard Lake week commencing 23 September 2024 for approximately 8 weeks.


Currently there are fyke nets in the lake being regularly monitored in preparation for these works to start.  Works include draining the lake, recovering and relocating fish, desilting, reinstating revetments, and aquatic planting.  Our approved contractor, Ivel Aquatics, are experienced in these types of environmental projects working in conjunction with the Environment Agency to ensure regulations and permits are in place.


The contractors will be on site Monday to Friday from 8am – 5pm.  Water pumps will be in operation around the lake as well as other machinery and vehicles during this period.


Health and Safety are of paramount importance, and we ask all residents and visitors to take care and be more aware in the area.


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