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The Accession Proclamation

The Accession Proclamation

We make the following announcement following the passing of our late Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth the Second. Our sadness at this time is shared by people across the globe, as we remember with affection and gratitude the lifetime of service given by our longest- reigning Monarch. But the basis on which our monarchy is built has...

Flying the Flags & Floral Tributes

Flying the Flags & Floral Tributes

Following the sad news yesterday of the death of our Queen, we are flying our Union and Town Council flags at half-mast.  The flags are flying at Fawcetts Field entrance, the War Memorial on New Milton Recreation Ground and the Indian Soldiers Memorial at Barton on Sea.   We have been advised that in accordance...

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

New Milton Town Council expresses its sympathy at the death of Queen Elizabeth II. She has provided an unparalleled service to this country and her passing is deeply felt by us all. We offer our sincerest condolences to the Royal Family.

Important Notice – Ashley Recreation Ground

Important Notice – Ashley Recreation Ground

We will have a contractor working on Ashley Recreation Ground from Tuesday 13 September undertaking construction works in the car park and creating a new footpath.   There will be heavy machinery in use during these works and we ask visitors to the Recreation Ground and playpark to stay aware and be mindful of this...

Friends of the Indian Soldiers Memorial

Friends of the Indian Soldiers Memorial

The Friends of the Indian Soldiers Memorial will be holding their inaugural AGM on Wednesday 28 September 2022 at New Milton Town Hall.   The Friends group invite members of the public to attend and learn more about the group’s activities and the heritage of the Indian Memorial.   Please register your interest to


National Transport & Highways Survey 2022

National Transport and Highways Survey 2022 Councils across the UK are asking residents to tell them what they think of highways and transport services in their area.   The results will help the County Council measure its performance and identify areas for improvement.   There are eight independent surveys in total – it is not...

New Milton Residents Association

New Milton Residents Association

NMRA have arranged their next General Meeting to take place on Tuesday 20 September 2022 at New Milton Community Centre starting at 7pm.   New Milton Town Councillors will be available at the meeting to respond to resident’s enquiries.   If you wish to raise an issue, please contact Alan Watson, Chair of NMRA by...


Electoral Changes & The Elections Act 2022

NFDC have produced information regarding the changes that are coming next year affecting the way they deliver elections in the New Forest.   Further information available from NFDC Electoral changes 2022 – New Forest District Council   You can also participate in the polling places consultation Polling districts and places review 2022 – New Forest...

Consultation on 20mph Speed Limits

Consultation on 20mph Speed Limits

Hampshire County Council are holding a public consultation, open to all until midnight on 11th September.  There is a link to the survey below.   This is an important issue which we realise many residents will have strong views on.  We would encourage you to take the time to fill in the survey. ...

Proposed Gravel Extraction at Ashley Manor Farm

Proposed Gravel Extraction at Ashley Manor Farm

14 July 2022   Proposed Gravel Extraction at Ashley Manor Farm.   New Milton Sand and Ballast (NMSB) held a public consultation exercise to which residents and Town Council members were invited in May 2022.   The formal application has been submitted to Hampshire County Council; details can be seen using the following link  ...

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