It gets said many times, but it is true, we are lucky to live in New Milton! We enjoy easy access to the amazing New Forest National Park and enjoy the outstanding beauty of our coastline. And we can’t forget the added bonus ……… enjoying live music performances outdoors on the Recreation Ground on...
Category: Uncategorised
Plant a Tree Initiative 2024
We invite you to participate in the New Milton Plant a Tree Initiative 2024. This scheme has been successfully planting trees on Town Council green spaces for the last few years and we are now approaching that time of year to get planting again! The scheme is a great way to celebrate a special...
New Milton Town Council (Barton & Becton Ward) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the New Milton Town Council (Barton & Becton Ward). If by 18 September, 2024 14 days after the date of this notice excluding Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays,...
Ballard Lake Environmental Improvements
Environmental Improvement works will be starting at Ballard Lake week commencing 23 September 2024 for approximately 8 weeks. Currently there are fyke nets in the lake being regularly monitored in preparation for these works to start. Works include draining the lake, recovering and relocating fish, desilting, reinstating revetments, and aquatic planting. Our approved contractor,...
New Milton Men’s Shed
New Milton Town Mayor, Cllr Alvin Reid, is pleased to support the New Milton Men’s Shed who are a very popular group “shedding” at Fawcetts Field. They get together to talk/discuss any topic under the sun and occasionally get involved in some physical activity for the benefit of others, for example a local charity, or...
Summer Afternoon of Music Sunday 1 September
Groovemeister will be joining us this Sunday for our end of season finale when they perform on the Recreation Ground. We are looking forward to sharing a lovely afternoon of music with our community at 2-4pm. The event is free to attend but don’t forget to bring your money to buy the ice-creams and...
New Milton Town Council (Barton & Becton Ward) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the New Milton Town Council (Barton & Becton Ward). If by 18 September, 2024 14 days after the date of this notice excluding Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays,...
Cllr Keith Craze RIP
Members and Officers of New Milton Town Council are deeply saddened by the news of the sudden death of Cllr Keith Craze, former Mayor of New Milton and Chairman of the Council. Our sincerest condolences are offered to his family at this time, especially to Madalaine, his wife and fellow Councillor currently serving as...
New Milton Remembers
On Friday 23 August 2023 we will remember the New Milton citizens who lost their lives when enemy bombs fell on our town during World War II. There will be a short service of remembrance starting at 11 am that morning at the Memorial Clock on Station Road, when we will assemble for 1-minute...
Official Opening – Ashley Regeneration Project
On Saturday 20 July 2024 at Ashley Recreation Ground, New Milton, the Town Mayor, Cllr Alvin Reid, proudly cut the ribbon to officially open the new Ashley Youth Hub on behalf of New Milton Town Council. Following years of planning and delayed building, enduring restrictions during the Covid pandemic, the official opening was a...