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Christchurch Bay and Harbour Strategy

Christchurch Bay and Harbour Strategy

HAVE YOUR SAY!   Climate change is putting many more properties, infrastructure and open spaces at risk from coastal flooding and erosion.   The Christchurch Bay and Harbour Strategy covers the area from Hengistbury Head to Hurst Spit, encompassing Christchurch Harbour.   You are invited to have you say during the consultation process open from...

Introducing the Youth Services Coordinator

Introducing the Youth Services Coordinator

New Milton Town Council are pleased to announce the recent appointment of Louise Beardmore who has taken over as Youth Services Coordinator to continue to develop the services for young people in our local community.   Louise has a background in education and training, working in specialist and mainstream provisions, and more recently working to...

New Mayor Appointed

New Mayor Appointed

Press Release                                                                           New Milton Town Mayor appointed   New Milton Town Council are pleased to announce that Councillor David Hawkins has been appointed New Milton Town Mayor for the municipal year 2023-2024.   Cllr Hawkins is a well-respected member of the Council and offers a wide range of experience and enthusiasm in New Milton civic...

Update – Ashley Manor Farm

Update – Ashley Manor Farm

ASHLEY MANOR FARM gravel extraction planning application    All details can be found on New Forest District Council planning pages, by entering reference 22/10823.  Public representations should be made directly on that website Planning – New Forest District Council or via post to New Forest District Council Planning department, Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst SO43...

New Milton Community Garden

New Milton Community Garden

It was great to see the volunteers of New Milton Community Garden break the ground for their community project last week.   The project is by the community, for the community, and anyone and everyone are invited to play an active part in growing, digging, planting, and making the most of this outside space adjacent...

Election of Councillors for New Milton Town Council

Election of Councillors for New Milton Town Council

Following the local elections held on Thursday 4 May 2023, you can now view the Declarations here:   A total of 18 Town Councillors were elected across the New Milton Wards including:   Ashley North – 2 Councillors Ashley South – 2 Councillors Ballard – 3 Councillors Barton & Becton – 5 Councillors Bashley...

New Milton Celebrates – Important Event Update

New Milton Celebrates – Important Event Update

BASED ON FEEDBACK RECEIVED and latest weather….   We are going to continue as planned on the Recreation Ground. There are some slight adjustments to timings but it will go ahead as planned.   The screening will take place from 10am as planned, with the bands commencing at 1.15pm. Rock Choir will be cancelled as...

New Milton Celebrates!

New Milton Celebrates!

We look forward to welcoming you on Saturday 6 May 2023 to watch the Coronation Ceremony on the BIG SCREEN and join in the community celebrations on the Recreation Ground.   The event opens at 10 am with a welcome from the New Milton Town Mayor, followed by a performance from Rock Choir.   Enjoy...

New Milton Dementia Friendly Allotment

New Milton Dementia Friendly Allotment

The “Anything Grows” Dementia Community Allotment opens for the summer season next Tuesday from 10am – 1pm.   Come and visit this lovely little oasis of calm, say hello to our wonderful volunteers, and enjoy the outdoor environment while we have lovely weather!   See our poster for further information. New Milton Dementia Allotments Poster

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