The Safer New Forest Partnership have provided some important reminders about being vigilant to scammers and fraudsters.
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022

A letter from Graham Flexman, Town Clerk of New Milton Town Council. To All New Milton Residents The Town Council will be hosting a Civic Service in May 2022 in honour of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, as well as the Mayor planting a commemorative tree, and we are making plans for an afternoon of music at the Performance Pavilion....

Please note the following information if you wish to book a court. Tennis court use will be by booking only Booking will be by telephone only on 01425 619120 Telephone available between 9.15 am to 12 noon and then 1 – 4pm Monday to Thursday. On Friday between 9.15 am to 12 noon only Courts will be open 7 days...
Mayor Announces Nominated Charities

Newly-elected New Milton Mayor, Cllr Keith Craze, is pleased to announce that Scarf New Forest, and Parkinson’s Dance based at Forest Arts Centre, are his two nominated charities for the coming year. Scarf (Supporting Children with Additional needs, Relatives, and Friends) is a parent-led charity based in the New Forest, organising term-time and holiday activities for children and young...
Notice to Dog Owners & Dog Walkers

Please keep your dogs under close control and be vigilant especially around open waterways. We are aware of Water Hemlock Dropwort growing along some watercourses. Please contact your vet immediately if you are concerned that your dog has eaten something in these areas. The Dogs Trust have produced a list of poisonous plants which could affect your dog,...
Minutes of the Annual Town’s Meeting 30 April

The minutes of the Annual Town’s Meeting held on 30 April 2021, together with the Chairman’s Annual Report are now available to view here Annual Towns Meeting Minutes 30 April 2021
New Milton Neighbourhood Plan

The Town Council has now been informed that the long-awaited Referendum on the New Milton Neighbourhood Plan will take place on Thursday 6th of May. This is an important date for New Milton because a majority vote would give residents the power to guide development in the town. Your Town Council will be working hard to reacquaint all sectors of...
News Release
Working together with the community for the community New Forest Basics Bank have been undeniably busy the past few months as our community, along with the rest of the world, contends with the COVID-19 pandemic. They collect and receive food donations to share with our community and families in need and our local businesses and organisations have really stepped...

9 September 2021 FAWCETTS FIELD – FOOTBALL & GENERAL USE OF EXTERNAL FACILTIES COVID-19 GUIDANCE – SEPTEMBER 2021 Further to the governments COVID-19 announcement on 19th July taking us to step 4 of the recovery roadmap and the easing of all COVID-19 restrictions, we look forward to welcoming you back to Fawcetts Field and to what we all...
New Milton & District Twinning Association

The towns of New Milton and Canteleu, a suburb of Rouen in Normandy, have a twinning arrangement between their respective communities. The two dormitory towns are twinned by virtue of the fact they are both the same distance from a ferry port (Le Havre for Canteleu, and Portsmouth for New Milton), and both have nearby, adjoining forests. The...