Hampshire County Council propose to make an order which would impose waiting restrictions along several roads in Barton-On-Sea and would include the installation of pay & display parking. Please see the notice of proposal, the draft order, the statement of reasons, the plans outlining the extent of the scheme and the order to be amended. Barton-On-Sea PNA1 There...
Barton Common Car Park

We are carrying out essential works to the height barrier in the car park at Barton Common. This means the car park will be intermittently closed this week commencing 25 November 2024. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause and we thank you for your patience while the works are being completed.
Gas Main Replacement at Bashley

Message from SGN regarding Gas Main Replacement at Bashley Road closure from Monday 6 January on Bashley Common Road for essential gas main replacement From Monday 06 January to Friday 28 March 2025 , SGN engineers will be replacing the gas main along Bashley Common Road, New Milton. These works are crucial to ensure we maintain a...
Annual Carol Service

The Town Mayor of New Milton, Cllr Alvin Reid, and fellow councillors invite you to join them at the Annual Carol Service being held on Saturday 7 December 2024. The Service starts at 6pm at St Mary Magdalene’s Church. We are excited to welcome New Forest Community Choir and the Tullagh Junior Strings Ensemble, who will perform during...
Cancelled – Christmas Festival & Parade

The Lions Club of New Milton & District have advised that the Christmas Festival & Parade due to take place this weekend has been cancelled. Message received from the Lions Club: Due to the extremely high winds being forecast for this Saturday and potential for heavy rain, the Lions Club of New Milton & District has reluctantly taken the...
One Network

If you would like to stay up to date on highway works on our roads then please have a look at One Network. Causeway one.network There’s a live map showing planned and emergency works on our road network.
Ashley Family Hub

The New Milton Youth Services Manager is delighted to share details about Ashley Family Hub, open Monday and Tuesday afternoons. Sessions include: Rhyme Time Toddler Talk Breastfeeding Group Family, Food, Fun and Fitness SEN Support Advice and Support Please get in touch with Louise for more information get in touch
New Milton Remembers

News Release – New Milton Remembers Every year on Remembrance Sunday, hundreds of people come together to participate in the New Milton Remembrance Day parade, and this year was no different. Parade Marshal, Colour Sergeant, Russell Kerslake, supported by Christchurch Scout Band and the New Milton Army Cadets, led the Parade to the War Memorial for 11am, for...
NFDC Parking Strategy

New Forest residents are being invited to help shape a future parking strategy. New Forest District Council (NFDC) is holding a public consultation, starting on Tuesday 29 October 2024, on its new district-wide parking strategy which will consider its off-street car parks. Portfolio Holder for environment and sustainability, Cllr Geoffrey Blunden, said: “The strategy aims to modernise our...
New Milton Remembers 2024

We invite the community to respectfully join us this weekend at the following Remembrance events: New Milton Memorial Hall are hosting a concert on Saturday 9 November featuring music in the style of last night of the proms by the Band of the Hampshire & IOW Constabulary. Tickets are available from the Memorial Hall. We have arranged the...