We will remember them

We will remember them

Dear New Milton Resident   On Wednesday 23 August 2023 we will remember the New Milton residents who lost their lives when enemy bombs fell on our town during World War II.   There will be a short service of remembrance starting at 11 am that morning at the Memorial Clock on Station Road when we will assemble for 1-minute...

Press Release

Press Release

MAYOR’S OFFICIAL OPENINGS New Milton residents made the most of a mainly rainless day on Sunday and enjoyed a couple of hours of music provided by the Wessex Military Band who performed on the Recreation Ground to an appreciative audience of over 300 attendees.   As part of the day’s proceedings on the Recreation Ground, New Milton Town Mayor, Cllr...

Stay Informed E-news

Stay Informed E-news

We’ve just distributed our latest Stay Informed e-news https://mailchi.mp/7f5dba2e5d44/stay-informed-e-news-summer-15528717   If you’d like to receive future copies to your in-box you can sign up at subscribe@newmiltontc.org.uk

Summer Afternoon of Music

Summer Afternoon of Music

We are looking forward to welcoming the Wessex Military Band to New Milton Recreation Ground this Sunday.   Their performance will start at 2pm at the Performance Pavilion, and we invite residents and visitors to join us for a summer afternoon of music.  With tea and cake from the New Milton Sands WI.   During the performance interval the Mayor...

New Milton Dementia Allotment

New Milton Dementia Allotment

New Milton Town Mayor, Cllr David Hawkins, was delighted to present a certificate to the volunteers at the Dementia Community allotment.   The certificate recognises their support to the Town Council’s Plant a Tree Initiative by planting a Hawthorn Paul’s Scarlet at the allotment!   The Plant a Tree Initiative will be relaunched in September and will encourage residents to...

Press Release – Indian Memorial Obelisk

Press Release – Indian Memorial Obelisk

The Friends of the Indian Soldiers Memorial group and New Milton Town Council worked closely together to host the Annual Commemoration held on Monday 10 July 2023 at the Indian Memorial Obelisk located in Barton on Sea.   The Friends group, formed in 2022, are keen to continue to promote and share the heritage and history of the Indian Memorial...

Walkford Moor Solar Farm

Walkford Moor Solar Farm

Pre-application information has been supplied regarding a proposal for solar array at land west of Stem Lane and Walkford Brook.   The main development site lays outside of the New Milton parish boundary, however, access would be via Stem Lane, from an existing access point just north of the railway bridge.   There will be a public engagement event at...

Hampshire County Council Budget Consultation 2023

Hampshire County Council Budget Consultation 2023

Hampshire County Council is seeking residents’ and stakeholders’ views on its financial strategy for managing the budget over the next two years, up to April 2025.   They would like to hear your views on several proposed high-level options that could contribute towards balancing the County Council’s revenue budget.   The Council is also lobbying the Government for a more...

Ashley Recreation Ground

Ashley Recreation Ground

Important Information   Construction works are commencing on Ashley Recreation Ground for an expected duration of 9 weeks.   The works include the construction of the Youth Club Building and associated landscaping.   Please beware of heavy machinery and vehicle movements in the area.  We will attempt to keep disruption to a minimum.   For further information please contact 01425...

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